30 research outputs found

    Promoting gender equality and structural change in academia through gender equality plans: Harmonising EU and national initiatives

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    Gender equality has been actively promoted in EU academic institutions by the European Commission’s Science with and for Society (SwafS) programme through the implementation of gender equality plans (GEP). GEP formulation and implementation was strongly influenced by involvement in EU projects in Irish as well as Italian higher education institutions. The paper draws upon experience of the EU project SAGE (H2020), in which Irish and Italian universities actively cooperated, the Athena SWAN Charter in Ireland, Positive Action Plans (PAP) in Italy, and semi structured interviews with gender experts in Irish and Italian higher education institutions to explore the degree to which participation in EU and national initiatives can promote similar outcomes by the adoption of positive actions. The paper concludes that a harmonised strategy, focusing on common priorities and respecting cultural, political and social diversity, could promote the internationalization of the higher education sector and accelerate the process towards gender equality in academia.Gendergerechtigkeit wird in Hochschulen in der EU im Rahmen des Programms Science with and for Society (SwafS) der EuropĂ€ischen Kommission durch die Umsetzung von GleichstellungsplĂ€nen aktiv gefördert. Die Erarbeitung und Umsetzung von GleichstellungsplĂ€nen wurde durch die Beteiligung an EU-Projekten in irischen sowie italienischen Hochschuleinrichtungen stark beeinflusst. Dieser Beitrag bezieht sich auf Erfahrungen des EU-Projekts SAGE (H2020), bei dem irische und italienische UniversitĂ€ten kooperieren, die Athena SWAN Charta in Irland, den Aktionsplan Piano di Azioni Positive (PAP) in Italien und Interviews mit Gender- Expert*innen irischer und italienischer Hochschuleinrichtungen. Es wird untersucht, inwieweit die Teilnahme an EU- und nationalen Initiativen Ă€hnliche Ergebnisse erzielen kann. Der Beitrag kommt zu dem Schluss, dass eine abgestimmte Strategie, die sich auf gemeinsame PrioritĂ€ten konzentriert und kulturelle, politische und soziale Vielfalt berĂŒcksichtigt, die Internationalisierung des Hochschulsektors fördern und den Prozess zur Herstellung von Gendergerechtigkeit in der Wissenschaft beschleunigen könnte

    Gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in academia: successes and failures of the initiatives promoted by the European Union

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    The article summarises the scientific debate on the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies adopted by the European Union to promote gender equality in academia and the adoption of a gender perspective in research. The article focuses on introducing gender mainstreaming, promoting gender equality and structural change in research performing and financing organisations, and adopting gender action/equality plans. The discussion is structured around textual analysis of relevant EU acts, scientific literature, reports of EU funded research projects, communication and support actions. The authors discuss the critics of the various initiative and advance some considerations about what could support individuals and groups interested in promoting positive changes towards gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the academic field. The article relevance is linked to the innovation promoted by Horizon Europe, that requires all public institutions applying for Eu funding to have a Gender equality plan, and the risks that previous mistakes can be repeated hindering the process towards gender equality as in the recent past

    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – A MOOC for Academic Purposes

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    Since its fifth framework programme (1998–2002), the European Union has promoted gender equality and equal opportunities in the higher education sector and science and technological development. In its current framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe (2021–2027), the EU requires scientists to systematically integrate the concepts of sex, gender and intersectionality into their research paths and to promote equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in their working environments. However, for historical reasons, following the EU requirements is challenging, particularly for scientists in STEM disciplines. The University of Genoa is planning a MOOC suited to a large research institution audience to address this problem. The MOOC’s targets are researchers, scholars, administrative personnel and students interested in advancing EDI practices in the scientific fields. It enables them to understand the basic principles underlying the gender mainstreaming adopted by the EU and integrate methods and strategies related to sex, gender and intersectionality to progress towards an EDI-sensitive institution. Supported by a learner-centred instructional strategy, this chapter explores the choices related to EDI-sensitive methods and strategies adopted to develop and implement an online education path. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed

    The \u27digital curious\u27: first steps towards a new typology for mapping adults\u27 relationships with others when using ICT

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    The study described in this article used grounded theory methodology to investigate adults’ accounts of their relationships with others when using information and communication technologies (ICT). Ten women and ten men were interviewed. All were Italians born between 1952-1961. It was found that the participants shared a common eagerness to learn and use ICT, which led us to coin the term ‘digital curious’. They recognised the growing importance of using ICT and realised that they were competent enough to support others in ICT learning or use. Their awareness of their competence and role was linked to their approach to interactions with older and younger people, not all of them easy. The study findings illustrate how the participants’ relationships with older and younger people when using ICT are seen as relevant and offer meaningful experiences. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are also discussed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Women, men and computers : stories of how a positive relationship has developed

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    Lorsqu’on parle de l’usage de l’ordinateur par des personnes adultes, il est classique que soient Ă©voquĂ©es un certain nombre de disparitĂ©s femmes/hommes qui mettent notamment l’accent sur une relation plutĂŽt nĂ©gative des femmes Ă  l’ordinateur. Les Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es visant Ă  proposer des moyens pour diminuer ces disparitĂ©s se basent le plus souvent sur des informations recueillies auprĂšs de professionnel-le-s ou expert-e-s ; ce qui laisse dans l’ombre une grande partie des utilisateurs/trices ordinaires. On dispose donc de peu d’informations sur ces personnes qui, sans ĂȘtre expertes ou professionnelles, apprĂ©cient l’ordinateurs et l’utilisent rĂ©guliĂšrement sans hĂ©siter. C’est Ă  ces personnes que la prĂ©sente thĂšse a choisi de s’intĂ©resser. Son objectif principal est de collecter des informations concernant ce qui fonde la relation positive Ă  l’ordinateur, que dĂ©veloppent des femmes et hommes qui en font un usage rĂ©gulier mais non professionnel. Dans ce but, vingt-cinq entretiens narratifs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s. Prenant appui sur une comparaison intersexe, les analyses rĂ©alisĂ©es explorent l’existence d’éventuelles disparitĂ©s femmes/hommes et le rĂŽle potentiel que joue le genre, apprĂ©hendĂ© en tant que systĂšme hiĂ©rarchisant de normes de sexe. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que ces relations positives s'appuient, pour les femmes comme pour les hommes, sur les mĂȘmes Ă©lĂ©ments et que l’influence du genre dĂ©pend des enjeux de pouvoirs et de la reconnaissance des situations considĂ©rĂ©es comme dĂ©fiant l’imaginaire qui voit les hommes plus proches de la technologie que les femmes.When we talk about adults using computers, inequalities between women and men very often emerge, and particular emphasis is placed on the negative relationship which women supposedly have with computers. Studies on ways of reducing these inequalities have often been based on information collected by IT professionals or expert users. This leaves out the majority of normal users (both women and men). Therefore we have very little information on people who, although they are not experts or professionals, appreciate computers and use one regularly and confidently. This thesis is aimed at this particular group of people. The main objective was to gather information on how women and men who are regular but non-professional users can form positive relationships with ICT computers. Twenty-five narrative interviews were conducted with this aim in mind. Based on a comparison between the sexes, the study explores potential inequalities between women/men and examines the potential role of gender, that is, a “hierarchical system of norms for each sex”. The results show that positive relationships are based on the same aspects for both women and men. The influence of gender depends on power games and on recognising situations which defy the imagination, in which men are much closer to technology than women

    Femmes et hommes face à l'ordinateur. Histoires du développement d'une relation positive

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    When we talk about adults using ICT, inequalities between women and men very often emerge, and particular emphasis is placed on the negative relationship which women supposedly have with computers. Studies on ways of reducing these inequalities have often been based on information collected by IT professionals or expert users. This leaves out the majority of normal users (both women and men). Therefore we have very little information on people who, although they are not experts or professionals, appreciate ICT and use one regularly and confidently. This thesis is aimed at this particular group of people. The main objective was to gather information on how women and men who are regular but non professional users can form positive relationships with ICT. Twenty five narrative interviews were conducted with this aim in mind. Based on a comparison between the sexes, the study explores potential inequalities between women/men and examines the potential role of gender, that is, a "hierarchical system of norms for each sex". The results show that positive relationships are based on the same aspects for both women and men. The influence of gender depends on power games and on recognising situations which defy the imagination, in which men are much closer to technology than women.Lorsqu'on parle de l'usage de l'ordinateur par des personnes adultes, il est classique que soient Ă©voquĂ©es un certain nombre de disparitĂ©s femmes/hommes qui mettent notamment l'accent sur une relation plutĂŽt nĂ©gative des femmes Ă  l'ordinateur. Les Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es visant Ă  proposer des moyens pour diminuer ces disparitĂ©s se basent le plus souvent sur des informations recueillies auprĂšs de professionnel-le-s ou expert-e-s ; ce qui laisse dans l'ombre une grande partie des utilisateurs/trices ordinaires. On dispose donc de peu d'informations sur ces personnes qui, sans ĂȘtre expertes ou professionnelles, apprĂ©cient l'ordinateurs et l'utilisent rĂ©guliĂšrement sans hĂ©siter. C'est Ă  ces personnes que la prĂ©sente thĂšse a choisi de s'intĂ©resser. Son objectif principal est de collecter des informations concernant ce qui fonde la relation positive Ă  l'ordinateur, que dĂ©veloppent des femmes et hommes qui en font un usage rĂ©gulier mais non professionnel. Dans ce but, vingt-cinq entretiens narratifs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s. Prenant appui sur une comparaison intersexe, les analyses rĂ©alisĂ©es explorent l'existence d'Ă©ventuelles disparitĂ©s femmes/hommes et le rĂŽle potentiel que joue le genre, apprĂ©hendĂ© en tant que systĂšme hiĂ©rarchisant de normes de sexe . Les rĂ©sultats montrent que ces relations positives s'appuient, pour les femmes comme pour les hommes, sur les mĂȘmes Ă©lĂ©ments et que l'influence du genre dĂ©pend des enjeux de pouvoirs et de la reconnaissance des situations considĂ©rĂ©es comme dĂ©fiant l'imaginaire qui voit les hommes plus proches de la technologie que les femmes